Flying with your Inflatable PFD
Taking a PFD on a plane? Here's what you need to know before boarding with an inflatable PFD, Life Jacket or Life Vest.
Can you Fly with an Inflatable PFD?
Most countries allow for you to bring 1 inflatable PFD on board in a carry on or in checked bags per person. Two CO2 cartridges/cylinders are permitted inserted into the PFD, plus two spares cartridges/cylinders. While this is in the regulations, the final decision rests with the officer on whether an item is allowed through the checkpoint.
CHECK YOUR AIR CARRIER AND CONNECTING AIR CARRIER’S WEBSITE: They may ban CO2 Cylinders; They may allow them in checked baggage only; or, They may allow them as carry-on and checked baggage.
So it is best to come prepared and bring links or documents below for the flight.
TSA (Transportation Security Administration) allows you to bring a life vest with up to two CO2 cartridges inside, plus two spare cartridges in your carry-on or checked bag.You may not transport CO2 cartridges without the associated lifejacket.
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) allows A life jacket, motorcycle safety vest, or similar vest containing up to two small nonflammable gas cartridges plus two spare cartridges in carry-on or checked baggage.
CATSA (Canadian Air Transport Security Authority) Self-inflating life-jackets: One per person. Two CO2 cartridges/cylinders are permitted inserted into the jacket, plus two spares cartridges/cylinders.
TC (Transport Canada) With the approval of your airline, you can carry one self-inflating personal safety device such as a life preserver fitted with two small cartridges containing carbon dioxide or other suitable gas, plus up to two spare cartridges. Check with your airline for the specifications of the gas cartridges.
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) The lifejacket regulations and maximum levels are given in Table 8-1, Article 18 of the ICAO T.I. 2017-2018. For “self-inflating personal safety device such as a life-jacket or vest” apply from now on the following rules:
- A passenger may take an inflatable lifejacket
- in or as checked baggage.
- in or as carry-on/hand luggage.
- if carried on your own body.The captain/pilot does not need to be informed.
- The approval of the operator(s) is required.
- Restrictions:
- no more than one personal safety device per person;
- the personal safety device must be packed in such a manner
that it cannot be accidentally activated; - must be for inflation purposes;
- no more than two cartridges are fitted into the device; and
- no more than two spare cartridges.
IATA (International Air Transport Association) Gas cartridges, small, non-flammable containing carbon dioxide or other suitable gas in Division 2.2. Up to two (2) small cartridges fitted into a self-inflating safety device such as a life jacket or vest. Not more than one (1) device per passenger and up to two (2) spare small cartridges per person, not more than four (4) cartridges up to 50 mL water capacity for other devices, (5) the personal safety device must be packed in such a manner that it cannot be accidentally activated.